Monday, June 8, 2015

Georgia Straight: Empty the Tanks protesters unfurl banners in front of Vancouver Aquarium beluga show

by Charlie Smith
It wasn't an average day inside the Vancouver Aquarium.
Normally, those who protest keeping whales and dolphins in captivity confine their demonstrations to outside the Vancouver Aquarium entrance.
But during yesterday's worldwide Empty the Tanks protest, Vancouver activists ratcheted up their opposition by holding up two banners inside the facility during the beluga show.

It began innocently enough as a Vancouver Aquarium staff member named Lauren opened by welcoming the crowd and cheerfully talked about the "Caring for Belugas" program.
At the 24-second mark of the video below, several young people silently walked toward the whale tank. Then, they peacefully unfurled two banners.
One said: "Lives Lost Here."
The other said: "Still Suffering."
The host of the show had to speak over the chants of protesters.
It coincided with a noisy protest outside the facility. As the demonstrators' chants rang out, Lauren kept her composure and asked the people in the bleachers, "How is everyone here feeling today? Audience, let me hear you. How are you doing today?"
Vancouver isn't the only city where there's vigorous opposition to keeping sentient creatures in swimming pools.

Empty the Tanks protests also took place in Hong Kong, London, Dublin, Manchester,
Orlando, San Antonio, San Diego, Perth, and dozens of other cities in 20 countries.

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