Friday, March 3, 2017

VICE NEWS: Week 6 in Trump's America

Week 6, in one sentence: Donald Trump said he’d skip the White House Correspondents’ Association dinner; hosted 46 governors for dinner at the White House; got called out by an Iranian Oscar winner; proposed a 2018 budget that would increase defense spending by $54 billion; blamed White House leaks and protests on Barack Obama; gave his first speech to Congress as president; reportedly held the release of a second immigration order for its own moment after the speech; blamed a botched raid in Yemen on his generals; defended Attorney General Jeff Sessions after it was revealed that he met with a Russian ambassador during Trump’s campaign, contradicting statements he gave under oath to the Senate; saw Sessions recuse himself from any probe into Trump’s campaign; blamed Sessions’ Russia scandal on Democrats; and found Vice President Mike Pence — vocal critic of Hillary Clinton’s email use — at the center of a controversy regarding his own use of a private email account while governor of Indiana; and almost made it the entire week without a Twitter rant!

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