Sunday, February 9, 2025

With Trump and the Neoliberals, Dystopia is upon you. Time to fight for Freedom

The Greek Courier

Little by little, day after day, the Neoliberal avalanche of Trump, Miller, and Musk is uprooting every social institution created by the Democrats and the Progressives in the United States during the last decades. Democracy is in grave danger and it has been since the end of the Cold War. Before the Fall of the Iron Curtain, Democracy and its institutions were the only barriers against rampant capitalism. This is not the case anymore. In the hands of the corporations and the billionaires, Democracy is destined to die and be replaced by a dystopic American nightmare, unless people rise up and dethrone the new Emperor. 

Some reminders

Do not count on the liberal political establishment to do your fighting. They would rather sit back and watch a dictatorship arise than lose their beloved global Hegemony from internal strife and civil war. They are a part of the system too, which is why Trump is in power right now. Americans, you have to rise up, all generations not just the leftover Boomers and the Xs who by any means are too old to rock and roll. You need a major uprising, resembling the likes of the 60's and the anti-war generation. You must demonstrate, clash with the regime, and stand by the Constitution, the Free Press, and all the social institutions you cherished all these years. This is the only way. 

The Stock Market is not a refuge. Stop wasting your personal wealth on a rigged game. Trump and Musk love this game because they don't play by the rules. The billionaires love this game because it is designed to boost their wealth and value. Remember, there is also one more enemy hiding in the shadows. It is called Blackrock. Read about it.

Poverty is upon you. Very soon, many of you will go to Unemployment. Millions of federal workers, in the hands of Elon Musk, are destined to become the new jobless army. How do you plan to feed your family without any help from the Government? Did you ever think of that? Unless you believe your new Emperor can deliver his promises for a Greater America. It's not going to happen, because there are too many flaws in your economy: Limited production, dependence on imports, a dirty banking system, social inequality, greedy pharma, pitiful wages, and a lack of unions; also, in other parts of the world, America is now seen as a usurper, a bully, and no one wants to cooperate with it. New economic alliances are formed against you, right at this moment. History has shown that, under these premises, there is only one solution: War.

Are you ready to fight for Hegemony? Trump said he does not want Americans to fight abroad, yet in his first two weeks as President, he threatened Panama, Greenland, and Palestine with invasion by the American Army. Also, you should not count on old friends, like Canada and Mexico, Germany or France. None of these countries will stand by you, as they did in the past, because they are alienated by your President's tariff Wars and by Elon Musk's agitations and Nazi rhetoric. So, you are on your own. It's worse than Vietnam, by the way. One of these days, when all his devious plans to revive the American economy fail, Trump will ask you to fight for the US, as Napoleon did with his impoverished populace after the end of the French Revolution.

Then there is this climate change. Are you ready to choke to death? Drill, baby drill, said the man. You pulled out of the Paris Accords again and returned to burning coal to boost your economy. You are doomed. This is the New Dystopia. It's a wonder how the rest of the world has not declared war against you yet only because you fail to understand that you are driving us all to a sudden death. 

I could go on and on. But it has become very sad lately to ponder the once powerful society becoming a world pariah in the hands of a madman and a crook. You are no longer a superpower. You have atomics, sure, but so do the Russians and the Chinese. Yet, you are a shadow of yourselves. A dying breed governed by a handful of billionaires with the consent of a non-educated populace who prefer metaphysics to Science, superstition to reason. 

The only viable future for you stands with a massive Uprising. Prepare yourselves for a bloody civil war. When hunger comes the guns will come out of their holsters and the American Dream will turn into a nightmare until balance is regained. 

Unless you prefer to live in the darkness. But I have known you for too long and don't believe you do. So buckle up. Les jeux sont fait. 

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