Saturday, February 4, 2017

Prepare for a Dark Republic


My answer to an abstract by Sharda Girijesh Sharma, with regards to the schism between Donald Trump and the Justice system:      

"Justice without power is inefficient and power without justice is tyranny. This statement states only one thing i.e "Justice and power must be brought together," Blaise Pascal wrote, "so that what is just may be powerful and whatever is powerful may be just." Law is supposed to be the instrument, the handmaiden of justice; justice is the ultimate goal. Man's quest for justice is time immemorial. He with his reasoned faculty has a constant urge to improve and to be fair. Despite law justice can not be done if there is no power to implement it. Absence of power to implement will result in toleration of intolerable. To attain justice it is important to have assortment of justice and power. 

Likewise unqualified and absolute power is dangerous to the mankind. Lord Atkin rightly remarked, "power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely". When power is authoritarian it shows no mercy. William Pitt, said: "where law ends tyranny begins." Justice is a sentinel for protecting a republic from tyranny. Unregulated power results in tyranny. Tyranny results in violation of human rights. In such situations life will become a matter of mercy and not right. To check power it is important to have rule of law. Moral overtone will not pay. So reasonable power is always necessary to regulate the conduct, otherwise it will be ineffective. So, the judicious blend of power with justice and justice with power will ensure peace and prosperity. Albert Einstein rightly remarked religion without science is blind and science without religion is lame."

Sharda Girijesh Sharma 
P.G Dept. of Law, Patna University
January 19, 2009

I agree. 

Yet, away from academia, in real life, judges are appointed and presidents are elected... on a basis of a platform that has been approved by the majority of the general populace in democratic elections. Trump acted solely upon what he had promised to his fellow citizens during the elections. The Americans gave him permission. Not all of them but enough of them to call it a Democracy. Right? 

Wrong. This is not a Democracy. Democracy never made it past the 5th century BC and when it became a hegemony it failed. Imperialism never did it any good. The USA is a post modern Republic. And it's about to experience its transition to Empire with the addition of Trump.

I think, dear Americans, that it's about time to forget the checks and balances and instead to check your Fascismometer. Prepare for a Dark Republic.


Ioannis Damellos

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