Saturday, June 9, 2018

This Donald Trump G7 Press Conference In Quebec Was Something Else

"Canada can't believe they got away with it."
By Sima Shakeri
Donald Trump's G7 press conference in La Malbaie, Que. on Saturday was certainly interesting, to say the least. The U.S. president delivered a rambling statement before taking questions from journalists.

Here are some of his most memorable answers:

The gig is up, Canada

Trump repeated his assertion that the United States has been taken advantage of for decades, citing Canada's tariffs on milk to protect its dairy farmers. He also helpfully reminded the world of the meaning of the word "reciprocal."

"We had extremely productive discussions over the need to have fair and reciprocal — meaning the same — people can't charge us 270 per cent and we charge them nothing. That doesn't work anymore."

"They understand that. They know it. When I'm telling them, they're smiling at me. You know, it's like the gig is up ... [The European Union] can't believe they got away with it. Canada can't believe they got away with it.''

Congratulations on 'crazily' making trade deals

Trump blamed U.S. leaders going back half a century for letting the country down with "unfair" trade policies.

"I don't blame other leaders for that. I blame our past leaders. There is no reason that this should've happened ... In fact, I congratulate the leaders of other countries for so crazily being able to make these trade deals that were so good for their countries and so bad for the United States."

He's gonna cover 'every issue'

Trump's next stop after the G7 summit is to meet North Korean leader Kim Jong Un in Singapore. A reporter began to ask the president, "Will you raise the issue of the gulags with Kim Jong Un ... "

Trump replied, "We're going to raise every issue. Every issue is going to be raised."

He also said he would know in "the first minute" whether North Korea was serious based on his "touch" and his "feel."

"It's what I do," he added.

Tell your fake friends

A reporter asked Trump about his relationships with the other countries in the G7 and whether he felt like alliances were shifting.

When told the reporter was from CNN, the president smirked.

"I figured. Fake news CNN. The worst ... The relationship that I've had is great, so you can tell that to your fake friends at CNN."

Perfect 10 relationships

The president emphasized that he gets along well with G7 leaders German Chancellor Angela Merkel, French President Emmanuel Macron, and Trudeau.

"I would say that the level of relationship is a 10. We have a great relationship. Angela and Emmanuel and Justin. I would say the relationship is a 10."

Before the summit, Trump has been attacking Canada's trade politics on Twitter. He also called Trudeau "indignant" due to the Canadian leader's refusal to give in to Trump's demands to do away with the country's supply management system.

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