Monday, May 9, 2022

Bernie Sanders is our only hope for world peace and social equality

by Yiannis Damellos

Two years after Joe Biden's victory, during which none of his campaign promises to the American people have been fulfilled and the United States is almost at war with Russia over Ukraine, it is time to make some important decisions that will not only heal the American Republic but will also address the issue of world security and peace. In short, Biden must step down and be replaced by someone who can guarantee world peace and the democratic transformation of American society. The only politician who can do this is undoubtedly Bernie Sanders. Nobody else.

The systemic liberals in the United States, from the day Joe Biden took office, have bitterly failed to breathe new life into a political change that would end the horrific inequalities that plague American society. "But what could they do since they do not have the beans in the Senate to pass even one law?", one might argue. With the fifth phalanx lurking every time the radical Democrats tried to get their hands on the pockets of the system's super-rich to find the capital to support their social programs, all the incumbent president could do was offer allowances, and fragmented support for infrastructure, without substantial support for the middle-class and low-wage workers who supported him throughout the last election and without, as expected, an increase in the minimum wage. The only ones who saw their incomes multiply were the super-rich and this is something that the Democrats and the rest of the planet will pay at the polls. In fact, we do not even have to wait for the next election, because it is happening right now.

As I have pointed out in the past, when American presidents are unable to pass the promised economic changes and their popularity is at an all-time low, the one and only global standard, which has never failed to bear fruit for them, comes into play. War. The military-industrial establishment and the arms manufacturers are simply waiting for the OK from the White House, and Biden has been pushing for them since the end of last year, setting in motion the wheels of his war machine. Ukraine's adventure is just the beginning, but it has already put the American war machine into action. At the same time, however, it has jeopardized the economies and political stability of many countries on the planet and has provoked a lot of Western economic rivals who for the time being may not want to choose a war camp, but are waiting for the right opportunity to manifest their real feelings.

And it's not that I want to upset the ladies of the Democratic Party, Mrs. Clinton or Mrs. Pelosi, whose reins are driven by the military-industrial establishment and their love for Hegemony and monopoly, nor the psychopathic Republicans and their crook candidate Donald J. Trump, whose reins are driven by religious fanaticism, sexism, and racism, but they both belong to a world that has passed and they must step back because history will fall upon them like the Sword of Damocles. In a very wild way.

Thus, I want to send a message to the one and only person who can, if he wants to, and if they let him, change the course of history in the interest of social justice everywhere on the planet. Not just in the US, but everywhere, because what happens in the US is transmitted like the flu throughout the Western Hemisphere. So I address the Vermont Senator, Bernie Sanders, this strange old-fashioned socialist who fights with nails and teeth to bring trade unions back to the front line of the class war that is raging in the United States between the super-rich and their workers. You see, the Vermont senator is one of the few politicians who has a vision for the United States. He is the one who envisioned Medicare for All, the one who advocates a true Green policy, the one who advocates raising the minimum wage to $ 15 an hour so that everyone can live well, not just half the Americans.

Most importantly, he is one of the few living politicians in the United States who has visited the Soviet Union in the past, and although he dislikes Putin when the Ukraine adventure began, he rose up in the Senate and blamed NATO and his countrymen for the encirclement of Russia, telling them that they were to blame for Putin's invasion of Ukraine. So, if anyone understands the rage of the Russians, it's him. And this is a very good point to start negotiations and prevent the escalation of the crisis.

So listen to me before you take out your bayonets stupid democrats. It's been 40 years now since Bernie Sanders is calling you to tidy up your Republic. I understand that it is difficult for you to support a Brooklyn Jewish socialist who succeeded in building the Democratic Socialist Republic in Vermont. But you have to think about your future and your children's future because with Biden and Trump, you have none. With Biden, you run the risk of a nuclear holocaust. With Trump, you risk a civil war. You are screwed, one way or the other. You also have to think about our future, the common future of all the people of this planet who have fallen victim to hedge funds, neoliberal bosses, and multinational corporations.

That's why I tell you before the guillotines start springing up in the streets of the big cities of the West and the bloodletting begins, give now the only peaceful solution you have left. Do not let Biden run for the presidency again. Do not support any systemic candidate that looks like him. You will lose bitterly to Trump waiting in the corner to tear you to pieces. And if it's not Trump, it will be someone looking like him, minus his flaws, and that's worse.

This is the last warning. You are marching towards destruction. Let Bernie Sanders change America as much as he can. Step aside and let him pass. The new generations support him with all their heart and soul. They do it because they know that he fights for them, he fights for a fairer future.

Good luck and good night

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