Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Proxy Wars: A Brief History of American Hegemony

Ioannis Damellos

"One of the Saiyans rejoices with my shield. The one I left against my will in a bush. An infallible weapon indeed. But I feel good that I escaped. What do I care about that shield? Let it be lost. I'll get a new one once again." 

Archilochos from Paros

In the 8th century BC, the era of epic poetry, heroism was the purpose of life, although most of the time it led to death. A century later, in the time of Archilochus the Skeptical, the man who drops his shield or "ripsaspis" is not stigmatized, because his life is paramount. There is going to be another shield! It's enough for me to be saved, says the poet from the island of Paros. Ukrainians have a lot to learn from him. Because if they expect the Americans to fight their war, they will die to the last.

This is a brief and recent history of American Hegemony and its Proxy Wars. It does not only concern Ukrainians. You get the point.

Here goes.

In Afghanistan, the United States fought Russia until the last Afghan died, then invaded, tried to change their culture but instead summoned a civil war, failed miserably, and at the end withdrew, and now the Taliban have taken over there and the Americans are still reflecting on their folly. Needless to mention, a lot of money was made in between.

After invading and bombing the locals in Iraq, they stole their oil, then forced them to slaughter each other, until the last Iraqi died, Sunni or Shiite it did not matter, resulting in Isis. They then armed the Iraqis and, along with the Kurds, forced them to pursue Isis, which Erdogan was arming. And now, to show their gratitude, they are allowing the Turks to invade northern Iraq and hunt the Kurds.

In Egypt, the Americans did magic. They called it, The Arab Spring. After Obama's historic speech in Cairo, they incited the Muslim Brotherhood to get rid of Mubarak, and when they saw that the coming election was won by the Muslims and not their minions and the military, they called General Sisi to stage a coup, round the Brotherhood and sent them to jail. Several hundred misled Christians and liberals paid a heavy price as well.

In Yemen, they have put their representatives, the Saudis, to kill children. They supply the bombs. Technically, they kill by proxy.

In Libya, the US fought against their oil rivals by proxy as well,  provoking a civil war, until the last Libyan was killed, then they got rid of Gaddafi and within a day moved al-Qaeda from Benghazi to Syria. 

Immediately afterward, they manufactured civil war in Syria and fought the Russians and Assad until the last Sunni in Aleppo died. Among the dead were most of the Al Qaedists from Benghazi. And when the Kurds, who had become their minions in need, begged them for help because Erdogan was bombing them, President Trump withdrew his entire army from Northern Syria and Rojava and sent it to guard the stolen Syrian oil wells inherited by the US from Isis.

Yet, what I do not understand now, is how the Ukrainians, after so many historical coincidences, ignore the obvious.

And this is not that they have to defend their homeland. No one expects anything less from them.

What they do not seem to understand is that in Ukraine the Americans will fight Russia until the last Ukrainian dies. This is how Proxy works.

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